Myo Therapy

THE Sipes dEntal
Myofunctional Therapy Program

One-on-one tongue therapy for patients that want to improve their sleep, eliminate tension, headaches and chronic fatigue from their daily lives without medications, drugs or jaw surgery

What is myofunctional therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is basically a progressive series of exercises that work toward helping to improve the mobility and coordination of your tongue and help you establish proper nasal breathing and swallowing.

There are four particular goals of therapy that our myofunctional therapists help you achieve and master, but our #1 goal of therapy is to help you restore function of the muscles of the tongue, lips and face.

Restoring and re-establishing proper function of your tongue, lips and face can actually improve how you breathe, eat, swallow and sleep!

Who would benefit from myofunctional therapy?

Myofunctional therapy is for you if you:

➡️ struggle with chronic fatigue (despite how much sleep you get)

➡️ have sleep apnea or snore

➡️ have a tongue-tie or other tethered tissues like lip and buccal ties

➡️ carry a lot of total body tension and get frequent headaches or have TMJ discomfort

➡️ and if you struggle with acid reflux, ADD/ADHD, depression and anxiety




What To expecT

✔️ Myofunctional therapy is 100% virtual

✔️ After you’ve been seen for your comprehensive evaluation and you’ve decided myofunctional therapy is a good fit for you (or your child), you will meet with one of our myofunctional therapists on a biweekly basis

✔️ You will also be sent a MyoMouthKit that consists of various props used during therapy sessions

✔️ As of now, myofunctional therapy is only offered on Friday’s (unless exceptions have been made)

How do I know if I need myofunctional therapy?

Everyone is different! If you would like, you can schedule a comprehensive evaluation with one of our myofunctional therapists for free - just complete the form below or call our office directly.